Sunday 5 February 2017

Being productive.

This isn't the first blog I had, it's about the hundredth. Everytime, I tell myself that I'm going to keep this one active and regularly update it but I never manage more on that one or two posts before it's forgotten about. Guess what I'm telling myself this time? Oh yes, that same thing but I feel like this time will be different and I have my girlfriend to thank for that.

My girlfriend is one of many creative outlets. They have a blog (one in English and one in Finnish, their native language - I can't even maintain one!), they have a youtube channel where they post videos and they also journal. Keeping journals is something they've done since they were younger and still do to this day. Spending time with them while we go about our own tasks, I've seen them writing and being creative with their journals and it made me wonder whether I could have my own. I've always wonder about what I'd have to say in a journal but I've come to realise that journals aren't just a diary of your day to day life, thanks to something called bullet journals.

A bullet journal is a journal that contains more than simply "dear diary", you can let your creative juices flow and use it for whatever your heart desires. Pinterest, tumblr and even instagram is awash with different peoples takes on bullet journals for people to take inspiration from. You can make plans, make lists, make tracker or anything else that comes to mind and you can lay it all out however you please because that's the freedom you get with your journal - something I really love. I'm a big fan of making lists and being organised so having a place to do this in whatever style I wish really works well for me, it also feds my love for stationary (something my bank account isn't too happy about..).

Having this journal was the kick in the ass that I needed to find my productivity in terms of writing, aka maintaining a blog for once in my life! I've been able to plan out my month according to my schedule so I can find the time to create a blog post and have a space to note down any ideas that might come to mind. I've always felt that productivity and motivation were things I lacked for more than one or two days a month but in reality, I know it's my own laziness that holds me back. If there is something I want to do, something I know that I could really enjoy and maybe turn it into something more than I should. The only person holding me back is myself and now I feel I've found a way to push myself to continue or start things that I'd once dismissed because I know that I'd give up easily.

Again, I feel like my girlfriend has played a part in this. This isn't about someone pushing me to do something, this is me seeing someone doing something and realising that I can do it too and their support throughout has been great. I never want to feel like someone has had to push me to do anything, I'd like to think that I'd have the drive to achieve it myself with support from others and this fits that exactly. As soppy as it maybe, it's nice to have someone in your life who can support you in what makes you happy, while also helping you becoming more the person you wish to be without having to do anything other than be themselves. No pushing, no convincing, just being them and you seeing that you can do that too.

This is definitely the first post of many.

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