Wednesday 11 October 2017

#9: King Cobra // Grape Movie Marathon

Veteran gay pornography producer Stephen battles two rival producers over the rights to his underage porn star creation, Brent Corrigan, with deadly results.

Based on a true story, of which a book has also been written, it follows Sean aka Brent Corrigan who becomes a popular gay pornstar with Cobra Videos. Upon realising he is being unpaid for the movies he makes, he decides to pursue other options which takes a deadly turn.

While an enjoyable watch, I don't feel like this movie gripped my attention as much as I'd have liked. I didn't feel the need to devote my complete attention to it which I always find disappointing but fortunately, this movie doesn't require your full attention anyway. It's an easy watch so you don't have to worry about losing track of what's going on.

With it being 92 minutes long, I just don't feel that was enough time to properly tell this story. It focused more on telling Brent's story then it did giving us details about the tragic event that happened or those involved and while Brent may be the reason for why it happened, I'd have liked more information about the others involved but instead it's crammed into the last half an hour.

Overall, I'd recommend it if you're looking for something easy to watch and the story behind it appeals to you
but I wouldn't expect too much from it.

I rate it 3 out of 5 grapes.

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