Sunday 6 August 2017

Dealing with Bad Days

I'm sure we've all had bad days. Some more so than others, some that turn into bad weeks or months and finding a way to deal with them is something that I feel I need.

I'd imagine most of them start because of lack of sleep, depression or both. The smallest thing can rub me the wrong way, creating this negative mood that clouds over the entire day. It'll lead me to think about other things and turn them into something negative, rather than seeing the positive which is something I hate. It can make me want to give up with everything, with the thought of "what's the point?".

I want to be able to combat that. I don't want something, no matter how big or small, to ruin an entire day when there is something I could do that'll turn the day around. So, I'm going to list some things that I feel would help me during a bad day. I can come back to them when I'm having a bad day and hopefully they'll help me, they could even help anyone who reads this combat the bad days.

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#1. MUSIC.
Music is obviously the first choice. With so many different genres, bands and artists, it's hard to find something that doesn't suit whatever mood you're in and if you're having a bad day, there is music for that.

I have a Spotify playlist that has become my go to playlist. I created it over a year ago and it's now reaching almost 800 tracks. I refuse to delete any, other than the occasional clean up because I don't want to miss out on a track I might have added and forgotten about. With so many upbeat tracks that make me wanna get up and dance, it's hard to let a bad day continue.

As well as that playlist, I also recently created another playlist with indie rock and the occasional pop track that has the same effect. Although, some of the tracks are slowly and not so upbeat, it's great to have a different genre of music to turn to and also cheer me up.

Also other obvious choice to add to the list. I love nothing more than binge watching my way through a great tv show, or losing myself in a great film both of which are great distraction when days are bad. With so many different ways to stream movies available at my fingertips, and a massive collection in my home, there is always something to watch even if it takes me a while to finally decide on something! It's handy having a to watch list to go to in times like these, so I can tick another movie off my list while also distracting myself whatever put a damper on my day.

Taking sometime to clear my head and enjoy what's around me is always nice, especially when I've got some music as the soundtrack to my walk. It allows me to think about things in a better way than I previously was.

I'm grateful that I've got a close relationship with my family and that I also live within walking distance of them. Whenever I've got spare time or maybe just need a distraction or someone to talk to, I know my family will be there for me. Honestly, nothing beats watching crappy daytime tv with my mum, or talking music and bands with my dad or joking around with my brother. Bonus is the cute dogs that my parents have because cute animals make everything better.

All these things are definitely ways to improve my bad days and having them listed out as a reminder when  the days are really bad will hopefully help me keep them at bay. I'm sure there is plenty of others, maybe I can add to this list overtime as I discover new ways. Hopefully they'll also help others deal with them also.

Nifty links to things mentioned:
#1: [Playlist Link 1] & [Playlist Link 2] #2: [To Watch List]

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